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Sunday, April 24, 2011

YES or NO thai movie summary

Sawatdee ka :) This is the word thai's use when they greet a person. Originally, I am a pure Kpop fan but thai media is the newest adition to my fandom. Since the start of the "A CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE" craze, I've been interested in thai media. I wonder how they made it to the taste of Asians and even people from other parts of the world. And then Hello Stranger followed, everyone we're hooked in this film because of the mixture of kpop and thai culture. And as I venture in the world of Lakorn (thai movies and dramas if I wasn't mistaken), I found more interesting things about them. Their target audience are teenagers; This is probably because teens are more easily influenced than adults. So now, I am going to start my first ever review, summary and compilation of my favorite Lakorn's.

First Stop: YES or NO thai movie

Title: Pu Chai Lulla (Yak Rak Goh Rak Loie)

Casts: Sucharat Manaying (AOM) and Supanart Jittaleela (Tina)

Director: Sarasawadee Wongsompetch

Release Date: December 16, 2010

DVD Release Date: May 19,2011 in Thailand stores with no english subs

This is a story between Pai (Aom Manaying) a college girl who hates and doesn't like tomboys. By chance, when Pai moved into a drom, she found out that her roommate, Kim (Tina Jittaleela) dresses like a boy. Then the story revolved on how Pai and Kim became friends and how they struggle for their confused love.

I just want to let you know more about this movie, because maybe by chance, you're too depressed(like me) because we still can't watch the movie on the internet or download it.

From my own understanding from the clips, trailers and mv's that i've watched, the story goes on like this.

While Pai is showering in the bathroom her roommate arrived. As she went out the bathroom, Kim, her new roommate turns around with a smile in a slow motion movement. She was shocked to find out that her roommate looks like a guy and she concluded right away that Kim is a lesbian. Because of disappointment and frustration, she kicked Kim and as Kim stood up, they started to argue. Pai started Kim's first day by making bounderies inside the room. She's always pissed and annoyed about having Kim around. And inorder to communicate, Pai used the mirror inside the bathroom as a board and write on it using a lipstick. Kim did the same in order to exchange words with Pai. Then they started to get along a little because they always quarrel with each other which also means talking with each other. Then there's a scene where there's a brownout (or blockout or there's no electricity). Kim is afraid of dark so Pai lighted a few candles (but seriously, Idon't think it's few. ekekeke). Then Kim started to play the bird shadow-thingy and Pai was amazed with it, so she followed Kim and then they didn't noticed that they're already too close to each other and then the most cheesy part, their 1 inch away from each other and their eyes met. Then all through the night, they we're talking about things and maybe about their lives. The next day, Pai woke up first and found Kim sleeping on the floor beside her bed. She smiled, a smile like it's a good day seeing you ^o^.

And that day also, Pai finally decided that their beds should be beside each other (actually i'm not sure if it's pai or kim I just based from pictures and mv's you know). Then they arranged it together, and they're totally having fun. After those hard work, they ate noodles with some people (particularly adults, i don't know where they are from). Then that night, they watched television together and I think it's a horror thing because everytime it's on a scary part, Kim would hide from Pai's back, then they started talking and as they go deeper, Pai lied her head to kim's shoulder. Then in the next days, they went on a double date, Pai with his boyfriend and Kim with their classmate who has a crush on her. Then on one of their outings, Kim was offended by Pai's boyfriend. She was really sad and din't went home. Pai found her on the telephone stand, wet and alone. Pai then hugged her. When they arrived home, Pai dryed Kim's hair using a towel and then the next day, they woke up with so much sweetness, it's like they're a real couple. They took pictures and so on. The next days maybe we're the darkest days of their lives because so much problems arised. Pai's mom visited her and saw that she's living with a guy-looking female. Then another scene was Pai saw her friend (the classmate i'm talking about that has a crush on Kim) kissing Kim while sleeping. Pai was so much hurted. Then she moved out of their dorm and lived back with her mom.

Kim visited Pai in their house. Pai abondoned Kim ( I think) because as Kim left her, she fell down on her knees. She cried and her mom saw the pain she's going through. Then Pai went out with her boyfriend even if she's not that okay (maybe it's because she wants to forget about Kim). Then at the car, she kissed her boyfriend. Then the next thing that I know is, Pai went back on their room and saw that the picture left on the board is hers. Then beside it (the place where Kim's picture is supposed to be placed) there is a Yes and a No note. Then she cried inside the room. The last thing from the movie (I think) is Pai found Kim and they had moments together in a farm or a province.

The End :)

Quite long huh? :) But for those who read this, I will be more delighted to write reviews or summaries more if you leave comments. Thanks a lot for reading :))